Günter Steinscherer

  • Timeless Jewellery-Craftmanship

    Precious metals, exotic and exquist gems, individually designed-provocative, pulsating, captivating.
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  • Creativity must be felt through touch.

    A picture paints a thousand words, but jewellry must be worn to experience the harmony between its creation and yourself. Feel free to contact me for a private presentation.
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  • Sculptures

    Uniqueness in design remains. Elements change. Through hammer and chisle, inanimate objects of wood, stone and bronze become unique works of art inspired by nature, created by imagination for the eye of the beholder.
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  • Jewellry and Sculpture

    Precious materials, exotic and exquist gems for jewellry, wood, stone or bronze for sculptures. These are the elemts that fuel my passion to create the one of a kind pieces that have found their way around the world. Perhaps one day to your part of the world that you call home.
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“Precious materials, exotic and exquist gems for jewellry.
Wood, stone or bronze for sculptures.”


These are the elemts that fuel my passion to create the one of a kind pieces that have found their way around the world. Perhaps one day to your part of the world that you call home. Jewellry need not be inanimate.The combination of material,colour and design infused with the desire for perfection give these one of a kind creations a life of their own. As unique as the individual who wears it. Jewellry that enhances not dominates. Jewellry that makes a statement not an exclamation. A creation inspired by nature, created by a master goldsmith. Jewellry, created by Gunter Steinscherer.



Presentations are possible in the context of events, in hotels, in private surroundings ... Contact me ...


Günter Steinscherer
+43 699 13552010

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